Adrenal Fatigue

Manage adrenal fatigue naturally.

In conventional medicine, adrenal fatigue is rarely recognised as a condition. There is very little treatment for it, even though it is more common than people think.

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue is a common condition where the adrenal glands become overstimulated caused by chronic stress. Our current living times are extremely stressful and as a result, the hormone cortisol is released from the adrenal glands over and over again. This constant release of cortisol can cause an imbalance in the bloodstream.

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue <1>

  • Fatigue
  • Sluggishness
  • Low mood
  • Weight gain
  • Sleep problems
  • Night sweats
  • Low libido
  • Sugar cravings

Treatment for adrenal fatigue

Natural medicine is the answer for adrenal fatigue. There are a couple of herbs you can take to help maintain your stress levels, they are the following:

  • Chamomile
  • Ashwagandha
  • Tumeric
  • Holy basil

Having tea using any of these herbs can help to maintain your cortisol hormone.

Eat natural foods and avoid alcohol

Alcohol is often everyone’s go-to place when you are stressed, but sinking into alcohol is not always a good choice for your physical and your mental health. Therefore, avoiding alcohol and choosing other natural drinks, such as our naturally carbonated probiotic drinks, could help you to take good care of your gut health, as well as mental health too.

Try eating a diet consisting of natural produce and avoid starchy, processed foods. This can be hard if you are time-pressed, so be sure to make sure you are giving yourself enough time to get your jobs done, see below for tips.

Other natural remedies include:

  • At least once a day to calm your mind and slow you down. Sit quietly for 10 minutes. Focus on your breathing and allow yourself to go to your happy place. This could be on holiday at your favourite beach or walking in the woods. When you are there, pull in bright golden light and ask the light to heal you. Talk to your guides and your higher-self about anything you want. Ask for guidance and they will help you.
  • Being mindful is the only way to quieten your thoughts and become a master of your mind. Mindfulness is doing one thing at one time, and concentrating on that thing without allowing your mind to drift mindlessly.
  • Slowing down. Most people race around trying to get as many jobs done in as little amount of time possible. It’s time to stop this! You do not need to fit everything in at the risk of your health. Stop giving yourself too many jobs to do. Learn to say NO. One thing I always remind myself is that time does not need to take over. Society has made time dictate to us, but if we slow down and remind ourselves that we have plenty of time, and something can wait another day, then it becomes easier to manage time. Also, mindfulness will bring time into perspective and help you to slow down.