Watch and Listen Gut Health for Dogs

It's A Dog's Life Podcast

Listen to this amazing podcast with Dr Carol Hughes, Founder of Boil and Broth Rachel Down, and Anna Webb Canine Nutritionist, as we delve deep into the world of the Canine gut microbiome and how bone broth is proving to be not only a probiotic but an adaptogenic with gut bacteria.

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My Dog Made Me Do It - Podcast

In this episode with Cat Jepson, I share my journey with bone broth, kefir water and how it helps everyone in the family, especially our little canine friends. This is a great episode to learn more about broth and kefir water and what inspired me to create Boil and Broth.

Listen Here

Publicity For Pet Businesses

with Rachel Spencer

Take some time out to catch up on our latest podcast with Rachel Spencer. Learn all about the inception of Boil and Broth, it's growth and how our Founder juggled with a growing business, a busy family and study.

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Webinar with Raw Pet Medics

Watch our Founder interviewed on the Raw Pet Medics as they dig into the science and health benefits of broth and kefir water for dogs, and cats.


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Tune into Anna Webb's podcast where she chats to our Founder Rachel Down about gut health for dogs and also the Biome Broth Study.

Anna Webb Podcast

The Link Between Gut Health and Oral Health in Dogs

Five Reasons Why You Should Give Broth To Your Dog, and Cat