£60 Giveaway Can You Help Us
Can you help us with video testimonials?
We need your help! Testimonials are an amazing way to share with others about how your dog enjoys our products. One of the most valuable ways to do this is using video.
If you don't mind being in front of the camera, or are a little creative and can get your dog in front of the camera, then we would love to receive a 30 second testimonial video about how our products have helped your dog and what differences you have seen since including broth and/or kefir water in their diet.
For your kind support of our brand, and also for taking time to do this for us, we will gladly give you £60 worth of products to include:
2 x 50g pouches (flavours of your choice) and 4 x kefir cans.
All we ask is that you please read our terms and conditions and complete the form, so we can have all your details.